This is the blog of Singapore Hash House Harriets. The purpose is to provide:
- General club notices
- Run reports
- Interhash news
and allow you to subscribe (click on the RSS link at the right of the page using your web browser or past the link into the RSS section of your email client to subscribe to new entries).
Who Posts to this Blog?
Generally, the on sec, assistant on sec, and webmaster have permission to post to this blog. There is no unauthorized or anonymous contribution. If you have a club need for permission to post to the blog, see the GM and the webmaster and a logon, password, and instructions will be provided to you. Note that we currently don’t see much reason for anyone not on the committee to have permission to post, but we might have missed something so are open to ideas.
Who Can Comment on Blog Entries
We want to encourage members and guests of the club to comment on entries, particularly run reports. Commenting permission is “open” but there are restrictions. To protect ourselves from spammers, who are the scum of the earth, comments must be approved by our administrator. Spammer comments will never be approved so we suggest you don’t waste your time trying. (Unfortunately, these scum attempt to post (at last count) about 10 comments a day on our blog trying to trick us into advertising their products). Our administrator will err on the side of caution, and only approve legitimate comments including your hash name and that are clearly relevant to the subject of the post being commented on. Any concerns can be raised with the webmaster or GM at a run.